new pots & pans: 223/365

Still no energy but last night I slept better. And tonight I enjoyed cooking in my new pots and pans–gone are the scratched-up ones I bought at Publix because I didn’t care. Now I’m looking forward to getting in bed and reading The Green Road. FYI-signed first editions available from Powell’s–just follow the link.

*my healthy action today: finished my steps after dinner


 365 true things about me
why this daily practice

7 thoughts on “new pots & pans: 223/365

  1. And with more rest seems to come energy, n’est-ce pas?
    Healthy action for this day: a grand egg scramble for breakfast to set the tone for my day.


  2. Cynthia… New Pots & Pans… Whoo-Hoo!
    and I be enjoying ‘the kitchen’ with you… 🙂

    *my healthy action today:
    hearting the preparation & the eating of it all

    pssst… Pray tell… what steps did you finish?


  3. Been thinking about you as I read The Green Road, synchronistically started just as you did, in my tent with my cat Elizabeth. I know you started off slowly, as did I. But of course those Irish can tell a story, and I am enthralled. Some of Rosaleen’s descriiption of her son and her feelings abut him, on pages 146-7, are just stunning. How one earth does Enright do that?


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